After 12 games in Segunda División, Almeria managed to secure the leadership, while having quite impressive statistics - 8 wins, 1 draws and 3 losses. The state of affairs for the team is now just excellent, and it remains to be hoped that in the near future it will not be overshadowed by anything. Almeria spends the most productive period this season between 60-75 minutes. They have scored 3 during this time. It is clear that this club wants to add three more to its already existing 25 points, and we will soon find out whether it will be able to carry out its plans, and thereby further strengthen its position even more.
As a result of the past 12 matches, Segunda División Leganes managed to add 10 points to its account, which allowed it to only take the 20 position in the championship. They know for sure that while their defensive play is far from perfect, on average they concede 1.4 and only score 1 goals. They need to note that 76-90 match minutes are poorly rendered to them. Already conceded a goal in this segment with 3. With these numbers, 2 wins and 6 losses seem logical. Let's see if they can improve their win statistics in this match.
My Prediction ------> Almeria to Win
在Segunda División的12场比赛后,阿尔梅里亚成功地确保了领先地位,同时有着令人印象深刻的数据——8胜,1平,3负。现在车队的状况非常好,希望在不久的将来它不会被任何事情所掩盖。阿尔梅里亚在本赛季最有效率的一段时间是60-75分钟。他们在这段时间里进了3分。很明显,这家俱乐部想在现有的25分基础上再增加3分,我们很快就会知道它是否能够执行它的计划,从而进一步巩固它的地位。
在过去的12场比赛中,Segunda División Leganes成功地给自己的账户加了10分,这使得它在锦标赛中只占据了20个位置。他们清楚地知道,尽管他们的防守远非完美,但他们平均失球1.4次,只进1个球。他们需要注意76-90的比赛时间对他们来说是很糟糕的。本节已经丢了3个球。根据这些数字,2胜6负似乎是合理的。让我们看看他们能否提高这场比赛的胜率。