CS Gaz Metan Medias have played 5 home matches in a row without winning.
CS Gaz Metan Medias scores 1.12 goals when playing at home and FC Dinamo Bucuresti 1948 scores 0.72 goals when playing away (on average).
The most common result of matches between CS Gaz Metan Medias and FC Dinamo Bucuresti 1948 is 1-1. 5 matches have ended with this result.
When FC Dinamo Bucuresti 1948 leads 0-1 away, they win in 80% of their matches.
CS Gaz Metan Medias wins 24% of halftimes, FC Dinamo Bucuresti 1948 wins 22%.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between CS Gaz Metan Medias and FC Dinamo Bucuresti 1948 is 1.8.
In Liga I, CS Gaz Metan Medias has better performance than FC Dinamo Bucuresti 1948.
In the last 5 meetings CS Gaz Metan Medias won 2, FC Dinamo Bucuresti 1948 won 3, 0 draws.
A year ago, CS Gaz Metan Medias were number 9 in the table with 13 points. Now they are number 14 with 8 points.
CS Gaz Metan Medias scores 1.4 goals in a match against FC Dinamo Bucuresti 1948 and FC Dinamo Bucuresti 1948 scores 1.6 goals against CS Gaz Metan Medias (on average).
The most common result of matches between CS Gaz Metan Medias and FC Dinamo Bucuresti 1948 when CS Gaz Metan Medias is playing at home is 2-1. 3 matches have ended with this result.
When CS Gaz Metan Medias leads 1-0 at home, they win in 88% of their matches.
CS Gaz Metan Medias wins 1st half in 24% of their matches, FC Dinamo Bucuresti 1948 in 22% of their matches.
When FC Dinamo Bucuresti 1948 is down 1-0 away, they win 0% of their matches.
CS Gaz Metan Medias's performance of the last 5 matches is better than FC Dinamo Bucuresti 1948's.
FC Dinamo Bucuresti 1948's away record this season: 0-0-5.
CS Gaz Metan Medias have won just 1 of their last 5 Liga I games against FC Dinamo Bucuresti 1948.
Gabriel de Moura has more yellow cards (3) than any other player at CS Gaz Metan Medias. Deian Cristian Sorescu has collected 5 for FC Dinamo Bucuresti 1948.
On their last meeting CS Gaz Metan Medias won by 3 goals.
CS Gaz Metan媒体已经连续5场主场比赛没有获胜。
CS Gaz Metan Medias主场进球1.12个,FC Dinamo Bucuresti 1948客场进球0.72个(平均)。
CS Gaz Metan Medias赢得24%的半场,FC迪纳摩布加勒斯特1948赢得22%。
一年前,CS Gaz Metan media以13分排名第九。现在他们以8分排名第14。
CS Gaz Metan Medias在1948年对阵布加勒斯特的比赛中攻入1.4个进球,而1948年对阵CS Gaz Metan Medias的比赛中平均攻入1.6个进球。
1948年CS Gaz Metan media和FC Dinamo Bucuresti在主场比赛时最常见的结果是2-1。3场比赛以这个结果结束。
当CS Gaz Metan media在主场1-0领先时,他们有88%的比赛获胜。
CS Gaz Metan Medias在上半场赢了24%的比赛,FC Dinamo Bucuresti 1948在他们的22%的比赛。
CS Gaz Metan media最近5场比赛的表现比1948年的迪纳摩更好。
1948年,CS Gaz Metan media在最近5场西甲比赛中只赢了1场。
在他们的最后一次会面中,CS Gaz Metan媒体赢得了3球。