Vaesteraas SK is currently on the 13 place in the Superettan table. Last game played with GIF Sundsvall, which ended with result: Win GIF Sundsvall 1:2.To defend the most demanding players will be Erik Bjoerndahl 7 goals, Simon Johansson 4 goals, Dusan Jajic 3 goals, Gustaf Lagerbielke 3 goals, Viktor Prodell 3 goals, Filip Tronet 2 goals, Taha Abdi Ali 1 goals, Brian Span 1 goals, Pedro Ribeiro 1 goals, William Videhult 1 goals, because this season they scored the most goals for Vaesteraas SK of the entire composition.
Played 24 matches this season. Won 5 matches 8 ended in a draw. 11 were defeated. In 54.17% matches the total goals in the match was over 2.5 goals (Over 2.5). In 70.83% matches the sum of the goals was greater than 1.5 Goals (Over 1.5). In 5 matches Vaesteraas SK has not lost the goal. In 15 games, each team scored a goal in the match (both teams to score). Average goals: 1.08 per match
Vaesteraas SK目前在Superettan排行榜上排名第13位。最后一场与GIF Sundsvall的比赛,以1:2赢了GIF Sundsvall的结果结束。防守要求最高的球员将是埃里克·比约达尔7球,西蒙·约翰松4球,杜桑·贾季奇3球,古斯塔夫·拉格贝尔克3球,维克托·普罗德尔3球,菲利普·特罗尼特2球,塔哈·阿卜迪·阿里1球,布莱恩·斯潘1球,佩德罗·里贝罗1球,威廉·维德霍特1球,因为本赛季他们是整个球队中为维斯特拉斯进球数最多的球员。