阿尔U21 2021-07-12T17:05:00Z
1 完 0
So far this season in Algeria - U21 League, MC Alger U21 have picked up an average of 2.13 Points Per Game in their 15 matches played at home, while USM Alger U21's average Points Per Game in their 14 away games is 0.93.
The competition of MC Alger U21 and the team of USM Alger U21 is held within the competition of Algeria Championship U21. Division 1.
Date of the match: 12.07.2021 18:00
Summary of previous confrontations between the team of MC Alger U21 and the team of USM Alger U21:
The confrontation of USM Alger U21 and MC Alger U21 on 26.03.2021 finished with the score of 2:2.
The opposition of USM Alger U21 and MC Alger U21 on 07.02.2021 finished with the score of 0:0.
The confrontation of USM Alger U21 and MC Alger U21 on 15.02.2020 ended with the score of 0:0.
The match of MC Alger U21 and USM Alger U21 on 11.09.2019 finished with the score of 0:2.
The opposition of MC Alger U21 and USM Alger U21 on 14.03.2019 finished with the score of 1:3.
到目前为止,这个赛季阿尔及利亚U21联赛,MC Alger U21在他们的15场主场比赛中平均每场得到2.13分,而USM Alger U21在他们的14场客场比赛中平均每场得到0.93分。
MC Alger U21和USM Alger U21的比赛是在阿尔及利亚U21锦标赛中举行的。部门1。
比赛日期:12.07.2021 18:00
MC Alger U21团队和USM Alger U21团队之前的对抗总结:
2021年3月26日,USM Alger U21和MC Alger U21的对决以2:2结束。
2021年2月7日,USM Alger和MC Alger的对手以0:0的比分结束了比赛。
USM Alger U21和MC Alger U21在2020年2月15日的对决以0:0结束。
2019年9月11日,MC Alger U21和USM Alger U21的比赛以0:2的比分结束。
MC Alger U21和USM Alger U21在2019年3月14日以1:3的比分结束了比赛。