Latest matches with results Elfsborg vs Malmoe FF
Teams Elfsborg Malmoe FF played so far 49 matches.
Elfsborg won 13 direct matches. Malmoe FF won 24 matches. 12 matches ended in a draw. On average in direct matches both teams scored a 2.90 goals per Match.
Elfsborg in actual season average scored 1.80 goals per match. In 14 (77.78%) matches played at home was total goals (team and opponent) Over 1.5 goals. In 11 (61.11%) matches in season 2021 played at home was total goals (team and opponent) Over 2.5 goals.
Malmoe FF average scored 1.83 goals per match in season 2021. In 15 (93.75%) matches played away was total goals (team and opponent) Over 1.5 goals. In 12 (75.00%) matches played away team was total goals (team and opponent) Over 2.5 goals.
球队Elfsborg Malmoe FF迄今为止打了49场比赛。
埃尔夫斯伯格赢得了13场直接比赛。Malmoe FF赢了24场比赛。12场比赛以平局告终。在直接比赛中,两队平均每场比赛都进了2.90个球。
Malmoe FF在2021赛季平均每场进球1.83个。在15场(93.75%)客场比赛中,总进球(球队和对手)超过1.5个。在12场(75.00%)客场比赛中,球队总进球(球队和对手)超过2.5个。