In Challenger Pro League, K Beerschot VA has better performance than RFC Seraing.
RFC Seraing scores 0.81 goals when playing at home and K Beerschot VA scores 1.41 goals when playing away (on average)
K Beerschot VA's performance of the last 5 matches is better than RFC Seraing's.
Both teams lost their last match.
RFC Seraing haven't scored in 1 of their 5 home matches in Challenger Pro League this season.
K Beerschot VA have a winning streak of 5 matches away from home.
When K Beerschot VA leads 0-1 away, they win in 100% of their matches.
在挑战者职业联赛中,K Beerschot VA的表现比RFC Seraing要好。
RFC Seraing在主场打入0.81球,K - beer - schot在客场平均打入1.41球。
K - beer - schot VA最近5场比赛的表现比RFC sering要好。
RFC Seraing本赛季在挑战者职业联赛的5场主场比赛中1场都没有进球。