Videoton FC trends last games.
Videoton FC is undefeated in their last 2 games.
Videoton FC games have over 1.5 goals in their last 6 matches.
Videoton FC games have over 2.5 goals in their last 6 matches.
Videoton FC haven't lost any of their last 6 home matches.
Videoton FC have lost their last 3 away matches.
Videoton FC have scored over 1.5 goals in their last 2 games.
Videoton FC have scored over 0.5 goals in their last 6 games.
Videoton FC have over 0.5 second half goals in their last 6 games.
Ujpest trends last games.
Ujpest games have over 1.5 goals in their last 14 matches.
Ujpest haven't lost any of their last 2 home matches.
Ujpest have scored over 0.5 goals in their last 2 games.
Videoton FC趋势最后的游戏。
Videoton FC在最近两场比赛中保持不败。
Videoton FC最近6场比赛进球数超过1.5个。
Videoton FC最近6场比赛进球超过2.5个。
Videoton FC最近6场主场比赛没有输过一场。
Videoton FC输掉了最近3场客场比赛。
Videoton FC在最近两场比赛中进了超过1.5个球。
Videoton FC在最近的6场比赛中打进了超过0.5个进球。
Videoton FC在最近的6场比赛中有超过0.5个下半场进球。