The most common result of matches between IFK Norrkoping FK and IF Elfsborg when IFK Norrkoping FK is playing at home is 1-1. 3 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 20 meetings with IFK Norrkoping FK playing at home, IFK Norrkoping FK have won 8 times, there have been 5 draws while IF Elfsborg have won 7 times. The goal difference is 29-28 in favour of IF Elfsborg. IFK Norrkoping FK have a winning streak of 3 matches. IFK Norrkoping FK haven't lost in their last 4 games. IFK Norrkoping FK's home record this season: 2-1-0.
在主场比赛时,IFK norway FK与IF Elfsborg的比赛结果通常是1比1。3场比赛都以这样的结果结束。