The most common result of matches between IK Sirius and Hacken Gothenburg is 2-2. 3 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 8 meetings with IK Sirius playing at home, IK Sirius have won 1 times, there have been 3 draws while Hacken Gothenburg have won 4 times. The goal difference is 14-12 in favour of Hacken Gothenburg. Sirius (4-3 at home and 1-0 away).
IK Sirius haven't won in their last 6 games.
Hacken Gothenburg have a winning streak of 6 matches away from home.
Hacken Gothenburg have lost none of their last 21 away matches.
IK Sirius和Hacken Gothenburg之间最常见的比赛结果是2-2。3场比赛都以这样的结果结束。
在最近8次主场对阵IK Sirius的比赛中,IK Sirius取得1胜3平,而Hacken Gothenburg取得4胜。目前的净胜球是14比12,哥德堡队领先。天狼星(主场4胜3负,客场1胜0负)。