Head to head
An inspection of their past head to head results going back to 26/01/2020 reveals that these encounters have ended in disappointment for KV Kortrijk. They have not managed to come away with any victories at all whereas Club Brugge have just been too good for them, winning in 83% of those games played. ;A sum of 14 goals were yielded between them throughout the course of those matches, with 4 from De Kerels and 10 belonging to Blauw-Zwart. The average goals per game has been 2.33.
The previous league fixture between these clubs was First Division A match day 5 on 21/08/2022 which finished with the scoreline of Club Brugge 2-1 KV Kortrijk. In that game, Club Brugge had 62% possession and 29 attempts at goal with 12 of them on target. The goalscorers were Ferrán Jutglà (4') and Bjorn Meijer (45'). At the other end, KV Kortrijk got 9 attempts on goal with 2 of them on target. Pape Habib Guèye (33') was the scorer. The referee was Jan Boterberg.
We believe that KV Kortrijk should get enough chances to breach the defence of this Club Brugge outfit, but one goal may not be enough. Therefore, we’re predicting a close game with a 1-2 winning score for Club Brugge after 90 minutes. There shouldn’t be much in it, either way.
对他们过去的正面交锋结果的检查可以追溯到2020年1月26日,结果显示,这些交锋对KV Kortrijk来说都以失望告终。他们没有取得任何胜利,而布鲁日俱乐部对他们来说太好了,83%的比赛都赢了。在这些比赛中,他们一共进了14球,其中德克雷尔斯进了4球,布劳-茨瓦特进了10球。场均进球数为2.33个。
这两家俱乐部之前的联赛比赛是在2022年8月21日的甲A联赛第5比赛日,以布鲁日俱乐部2-1 KV科尔特里克结束。在那场比赛中,布鲁日俱乐部有62%的控球率和29次射门,其中12次射正。进球的是Ferrán Jutglà(4')和比约恩·梅杰(45')。在另一端,KV科尔特里克9次射门,其中2次射正。Pape Habib Guèye(33')是得分手。主裁判是Jan Boterberg。