The most common result of matches between Amiens SC and EA Guingamp is 2-1. 5 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 13 meetings with Amiens SC playing at home, Amiens SC have won 7 times, there have been 4 draws while EA Guingamp have won 2 times. The goal difference is 23-16 in favour of Amiens SC.
During the last 25 meetings, Amiens SC have won 12 times, there have been 8 draws while EA Guingamp have won 5 times. The goal difference is 40-35 in favour of Amiens SC.
Last season Amiens SC won both games against EA Guingamp (3-0 at home and 2-0 away).
Did you know that Amiens SC scores 30% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?
Did you know that Amiens SC scores 5% of their goals between the minutes 31-45? This is the lowest percentage in the league.
Did you know that EA Guingamp scores 29% of their goals between the minutes 31-45?
EA Guingamp haven't won any of their last 3 games against Amiens SC.
Amiens SC haven't scored in 2 of their 8 home matches in Ligue 2 this season.
EA Guingamp haven't scored in 2 of their 8 away matches in Ligue 2 this season.
Toluwalase Emmanuel Arokodare is Amiens SC's top scorer with 5 goals. Jeremy Livolant has scored 7 times for EA Guingamp.
A year ago, Amiens SC were number 16 in the table with 18 points. Now they are number 4 with 27 points.
Amiens SC wins 1st half in 25% of their matches, EA Guingamp in 28% of their matches.
Amiens SC wins 25% of halftimes, EA Guingamp wins 28%.
The winner of their last meeting was Amiens SC.
On their last meeting Amiens SC won by 3 goals.
When Amiens SC leads 1-0 at home, they win in 75% of their matches.
When EA Guingamp leads 0-1 away, they win in 63% of their matches.
* * * * * *匹配的事实
亚眠SC和EA Guingamp之间最常见的比赛结果是2-1。目前已有5场比赛以这种结果结束。
在过去13次主场与亚眠SC交手中,亚眠SC赢了7次,4次平局,EA Guingamp赢了2次。净胜球23比16,亚眠队占优。
在过去的25次交锋中,亚眠SC赢了12次,有8次平局,而EA Guingamp赢了5次。净胜球是40比35,亚眠队占优。
上赛季亚眠SC赢了EA Guingamp两场比赛(主场3-0和客场2-0)。
你知道EA Guingamp在31-45分钟的进球占29%吗?
EA Guingamp在最近3场对阵Amiens SC的比赛中没有赢过任何一场。
Toluwalase Emmanuel Arokodare是亚眠SC队的最佳射手,打进5球。Jeremy Livolant为EA Guingamp进球7次。
亚眠SC在25%的比赛中上半场获胜,EA Guingamp在28%的比赛中获胜。
亚眠SC赢得25%的半场,EA Guingamp赢得28%。
当EA Guingamp客场0-1领先时,他们的胜率为63%。