***Asteras Tripolis vs Volos NPS Betting tips***
The most common result of matches between Asteras Tripolis and Volos NPS is 1-0. 3 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 9 meetings, Asteras Tripolis have won 5 times, there have been 3 draws while Volos NPS have won 1 times. The goal difference is 14-6 in favour of Asteras Tripolis.
Last season's matches: 1-0 (Asteras Tripolis at home) and 2-1 (Volos NPS at home).
Did you know that Asteras Tripolis scores 36% of their goals between the minutes 46-60? This is the highest percentage in the league.
Did you know that Volos NPS scores 29% of their goals between the minutes 46-60?
When playing at home, Asteras Tripolis have not lost to Volos NPS in their last 4 encounters.
Asteras Tripolis haven't scored in 3 of their 6 home matches in Super League 1 this season.
Volos NPS haven't scored in 1 of their 6 away matches in Super League 1 this season.
Leo Tilica is Asteras Tripolis's top scorer with 3 goals. Milos Deletic has scored 5 times for Volos NPS.
Volos NPS have conceded a goal in each of their last 5 matches.
Asteras Tripolis wins 1st half in 25% of their matches, Volos NPS in 29% of their matches.
Asteras Tripolis wins 25% of halftimes, Volos NPS wins 29%.
Their last meeting was a draw. (3-3)
When Asteras Tripolis leads 1-0 at home, they win in 70% of their matches.
When Volos NPS leads 0-1 away, they win in 71% of their matches.
When Asteras Tripolis is down 0-1 home, they win 0% of their matches.
When Volos NPS is down 1-0 away, they win 22% of their matches.
In Super League 1, Volos NPS has better performance than Asteras Tripolis.
Volos NPS's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Asteras Tripolis's.
Asteras Tripolis have lost just 1 of their last 5 games against Volos NPS (in all competitions).
In the last 5 meetings Asteras Tripolis won 3, Volos NPS won 1, 1 draws.
Asteras Tripolis have lost just 1 of their last 5 Super League 1 games against Volos NPS.
Volos NPS have won just 1 of their
***Asteras Tripolis vs Volos NPS博彩提示***
Asteras Tripolis和Volos NPS之间最常见的比赛结果是1-0。已经有3场比赛以这个结果结束了。
在过去的9次交锋中,Asteras Tripolis赢了5次,有3次平局,Volos NPS赢了1次。净胜球14比6,阿斯特拉斯·特里波利斯占优。
上赛季的比赛:1-0 (Asteras Tripolis主场)和2-1 (Volos NPS主场)。
你知道Volos NPS在46-60分钟的进球占29%吗?
在主场比赛时,Asteras Tripolis在最近的4场比赛中没有输给Volos NPS。
Leo Tilica是Asteras Tripolis的最佳射手,打进3球。米洛斯·德莱蒂奇为Volos NPS打进5球。
Volos NPS在过去的5场比赛中每场都丢了一球。
Asteras Tripolis在25%的比赛中赢得上半场,Volos在29%的比赛中赢得NPS。
Asteras Tripolis赢得25%的半场,Volos NPS赢得29%。
他们上次见面是平局。(3 - 3)
当Asteras Tripolis在主场1-0领先时,他们在70%的比赛中获胜。
当Volos NPS客场0-1领先时,他们在71%的比赛中获胜。
当Asteras Tripolis主场0-1落后时,他们的胜率为0%。
当Volos NPS客场0 - 1落后时,他们的胜率为22%。
在超级联赛1中,Volos NPS的表现优于Asteras Tripolis。
Volos NPS在最后5场比赛中的表现要优于Asteras Tripolis。
Asteras Tripolis在最近5场对阵Volos NPS的比赛中只输了1场(所有比赛)。
在过去的5场比赛中,Asteras Tripolis赢了3场,Volos NPS赢了1,1平。
Asteras Tripolis在最近5场对阵Volos NPS的比赛中只输了1场。
Volos NPS只赢了一场