Myanmar attends the AFF Cup 2022 with the core of the generation of players who participated in the U20 World Cup in 2015, combined with a number of veterans playing abroad. The last match between the countries was held on November 24, 2018, and concluded in a home win for Malaysia, with the final score of 3:0. Prior to this match, Myanmar had not suffered a defeat in two successive games against Malaysia, registering a total of 1 win and 1 draw. Furthermore, the lack of strikers from the Johor Darul Tazim club (who has won the national championship nine times since 2014) may affect the strength of the Malaysian squad. This will be a under 3 goal game
缅甸参加2022年AFF杯,其核心是参加过2015年U20世界杯的一代球员,加上一些在国外踢球的老将。两国之间的最后一场比赛是在2018年11月24日举行的,马来西亚以3:0的比分在主场获胜。在本场比赛之前,缅甸队在连续两场对阵马来西亚的比赛中没有遭遇失败,取得了1胜1平的战绩。此外,缺乏来自柔佛达鲁塔济姆俱乐部(Johor Darul Tazim)的前锋(该俱乐部自2014年以来9次赢得全国冠军)可能会影响马来西亚队的实力。这将是一场3球以下的比赛