As a result of the past 19 matches, Prva Liga NK Radomlje managed to add 13 points to its account, which allowed it to only take the 9 position in the championship. They know for sure that while their defensive play is far from perfect, on average they concede 2.1 and only score 0.8 goals. They need to note that 0-15 match minutes are poorly rendered to them. Already conceded a goal in this segment with 4. With these numbers, 2 wins and 10 losses seem logical.
Prva Liga Celje will enter the next round as the main loser of the season, since after 19 matches it takes the 4 place in the table. So far this team has only managed to earn 31 points. The numbers 4 in the defeats graph 8 wins, 7 draws clearly does not inspire much optimism. If you look at the statistics of goals scored and conceded, it becomes clear why they scored so few points: 1.4 - 1.2 goals per game, respectively.
在过去的19场比赛中,Prva Liga NK Radomlje成功地为自己的账户增加了13分,这使得他们只能在冠军榜上排名第9位。他们清楚地知道,虽然他们的防守还远远不够完美,但他们平均只丢2.1个球,只进0.8个球。他们需要注意的是,0-15分钟的比赛时间对他们来说很糟糕。本节4分已经丢了一个球。根据这些数据,2胜10负似乎是合乎逻辑的。
西甲塞尔杰将以本赛季的主要输家的身份进入下一轮,因为在19场比赛之后,它在积分榜上排名第四。到目前为止,这支球队只拿到了31分。输球图中的数字4 8胜7平显然不能让人乐观。如果你看一下进球数和失球数的统计数据,就会很清楚为什么他们的得分这么少:场均分别为1.4 - 1.2球。