Arena Nationala in Bucharest will host Thursday’s football game between Steaua and Silkeborg, the two teams who are eyeing a top-two finish in Group B. Steaua are eager to register their first win of the process, and we are positive that they will adopt an attack-minded approach against Silkeborg. However, home win should not be considered as the Romanians suffered a heavy 5-0 loss at Jysk Park a week ago.
The Danes impressed in their third group game, and we predict that they will give fans yet another reason for celebration on Thursday evening. All Ovidiu Popescu, Pantiru, Cristea, and Sut should miss out through injuries for the home team, while Silkeborg boss Kent Nielsen can’t count on the likes of Dahl, Lind, and Pedersen for the reverse fixture. A man to watch in the away side will be Nicklas Helenius, who has found his goal-scoring touch of late.
Prediction: 1-2
布加勒斯特的国家体育场将在周四举行斯托瓦和西尔克博格之间的足球比赛,这两支球队都在争夺b组的前两名,斯托瓦渴望取得他们在b组的第一场胜利,我们相信他们会在对阵西尔克博格时采取进攻性的战术。然而,主场胜利并不值得考虑,因为罗马尼亚人一周前在日斯克公园球场遭遇了一场0 - 5的惨败。
丹麦人在第三场小组赛中表现出色,我们预计他们将在周四晚上给球迷们带来另一个庆祝的理由。Popescu, Pantiru, Cristea和Sut都将因伤缺席主队比赛,而Silkeborg的老板Kent Nielsen也不能指望像Dahl, Lind和Pedersen这样的球员能在相反的比赛中上场。在客场,一个值得关注的人将是尼克拉斯·赫勒纽斯,他最近找到了进球的感觉。
预测:1 - 2