Head to head record between Lahti vs HIFK for the last 1 times they've met shows, Lahti won the match with a clean sheet, Lahti are in a very bad form this season, they are currently at the relegation group and hope to try and pick some points today, they have managed to score in their last three games and its likely they'll find the back of the net in this match today, HIJK are also in a very bad form and currently at the bottom of the table, going against a team which is also struggling might give them the chance to pick a point
拉赫蒂vs HIFK之间交头接耳地记录在过去的1 *他们遇到了节目,拉赫蒂赢得了比赛用干净的床单,拉赫蒂在本赛季状态非常糟糕,他们目前在降级集团和希望今天试着挑选一些点,他们设法在最后三场比赛得分,可能他们会发现后面的网在今天这场比赛中,HIJK也非常糟糕的形式,目前在表的底部,对阵一支同样在苦苦挣扎的球队可能会让他们有机会获得一分