CA Brown de Adrogue
In the last 5 matches CA Brown de Adrogue have won 1 match, 0 ended in a draw and they have lost 4 matches.
As far as both teams to score goes in the last 5 matches CA Brown de Adrogue have 1 match with a Yes in both teams have scored, and 4 matches with a No in both teams to score. In the Over Under 2.5 market CA Brown de Adrogue in the last 5 matches got over 2.5 goals in 1 match, and under 2.5 goals in 4 matches.
CA Brown de Adrogue have scored 3 goals in the last 5 matches and conceded 5 goals.
CA Atlanta
In the last 5 matches CA Atlanta have won 1 match, 2 ended in a draw and they have lost 2 matches.
As far as both teams to score goes in the last 5 matches CA Atlanta have 0 matches with a Yes in both teams have scored, and 5 matches with a No in both teams to score. In the Over Under 2.5 market CA Atlanta in the last 5 matches got over 2.5 goals in 0 matches, and under 2.5 goals in 5 matches. CA Atlanta have scored 1 goal in the last 5 matches and conceded 3 goals.
Statistics predict a full time result of 3:1. The winner is likely to be CA Brown de Adrogue. The Analysis suggest Over 2.5 goals in this match. And a Yes for both teams to score.
CA Brown de Adrogue
在最近的5场比赛中,CA Brown de Adrogue赢了1场,0平,输了4场。
在最近5场比赛中,两队都有进球的情况下,CA Brown de Adrogue有1场比赛两队都有进球,还有4场比赛两队都有进球。在2.5球以下的市场上,最近5场比赛中,布朗-德-阿德rogue有1场比赛进球数超过2.5球,4场比赛进球数低于2.5球。
CA Brown de Adrogue在最近的5场比赛中打进3球,丢5球。
统计预测全时成绩为3:1。获胜者很可能是CA Brown de Adrogue。分析显示本场比赛进球超过2.5个。两队都能得分。