Fredrikstad FK
Fredrikstad FK enter this match coming off the back of a 1-1 OBOS-ligaen stalemate vs Sogndal.
It’s been seldom in recent times where Fredrikstad FK have managed to hold out for a full 90 minutes. The reality is that Fredrikstad FK have failed to prevent opponents from scoring in 5 of their previous 6 matches, giving up 11 goals during that time.
Kongsvinger IL
In the game prior to this, Kongsvinger IL drew 1-1 in the OBOS-ligaen match with Bryne.
The stats tell the story, and Kongsvinger IL have been scored against in 5 of their last 6 games, conceding 9 goals overall. At the back, Kongsvinger IL have some weaknesses to address. It will be interesting to find out whether or not that trend will be sustained into this next match.
Going into this contest, Kongsvinger IL are undefeated in their previous 2 away league matches.
Fredrikstad FK在与Sogndal的1-1僵局后进入这场比赛。
Fredrikstad FK最近很少能坚持满90分钟。事实上,在之前的6场比赛中,弗雷德里克·菲尼克斯有5场没能阻止对手进球,在此期间失去了11个进球。
Kongsvinger IL
在此之前的比赛中,Kongsvinger IL在与obs -ligaen的比赛中1-1战平了Bryne。
数据说明了这一点,Kongsvinger IL在最近的6场比赛中有5场被对方进球,总共丢了9球。在后面,kongsinger IL有一些弱点需要解决。这一趋势是否会持续到下一场比赛将是一件有趣的事情。
在这场比赛中,Kongsvinger IL在之前的2场客场联赛中保持不败。