Head to head record between Curico Unido vs Coquimbo Unido for the last 1 times they met shows the match ended in a barren draw, Curico Unido are in a very good form this season, they are currently at 4th position on the table and are unbeaten in their last 2 games, they've have scored in five of their last games and its likely they'll score in this game too, Coquimbo Unido are in a very bad form, they are currently at the relegation zone and hope for a win in this match, they have lost three of their last games
交头接耳地记录之间Curico Unido vs Coquimbo Unido过去1乘以他们显示了比赛结束在一个贫瘠的画,Curico联合国工业发展组织在这个赛季的表现非常好,他们目前在4日桌子上的位置,在最后2场比赛保持不败,他们在最近的五场比赛中都有进球,而且很有可能在这场比赛中也会有进球。Coquimbo工发组织的状态非常糟糕,他们目前处于降级区,希望在这场比赛中获胜,他们在最近的比赛中输了三场