Latest matches with results Ethnikos Achnas vs AEL Limassol
Teams Ethnikos Achnas AEL Limassol played so far 47 matches.
Ethnikos Achnas won 12 direct matches. AEL Limassol won 21 matches. 14 matches ended in a draw. On average in direct matches both teams scored a 2.83 goals per Match.
Ethnikos Achnas in actual season average scored 0.97 goals per match. In 8 (44.44%) matches played at home was total goals (team and opponent) Over 1.5 goals. In 6 (33.33%) matches in season 2022 played at home was total goals (team and opponent) Over 2.5 goals.
AEL Limassol average scored 1.18 goals per match in season 2022. In 10 (50.00%) matches played away was total goals (team and opponent) Over 1.5 goals. In 9 (45.00%) matches played away team was total goals (team and opponent) Over 2.5
最新的比赛结果Ethnikos Achnas vs AEL Limassol
到目前为止,Ethnikos Achnas AEL Limassol队打了47场比赛。