FC Helsingor vs Lyngby Betting tips
The most common result of matches between FC Helsingoer and Lyngby BK is 0-1. 3 matches have ended with this result.
During the last 6 meetings with FC Helsingoer playing at home, FC Helsingoer have won 3 times, there have been 1 draws while Lyngby BK have won 2 times. The goal difference is 9-8 in favour of FC Helsingoer.
During the last 14 meetings, FC Helsingoer have won 3 times, there have been 4 draws while Lyngby BK have won 7 times. The goal difference is 24-17 in favour of Lyngby BK.
Did you know that Lyngby BK scores 33% of their goals between the minutes 46-60?
FC Helsingoer haven't scored in 1 of their 3 home matches in 1st Division this season.
Lyngby BK haven't scored in 1 of their 3 away matches in 1st Division this season.
FC Helsingor vs Lyngby投注提示
赫尔辛基FC和Lyngby BK之间最常见的比赛结果是0-1。已经有3场比赛以这样的结果结束。
在过去的14次交锋中,赫尔辛基队3次获胜,4次平局,灵比队7次获胜。Lyngby BK的进球数是24比17。
你知道Lyngby BK在46-60分钟之间进了33%的球吗?
Lyngby BK本赛季在甲级联赛的三场客场比赛中有一场没有进球。