Jonkopings Sodra vs Utsiktens BK Betting tips
Did you know that Utsiktens BK scores 30% of their goals between the minutes 46-60?
Jonkopings Sodra IF have a losing streak of 3 matches at home.
Jonkopings Sodra IF have played 8 home matches in a row without winning.
Utsiktens BK haven't won any of their last 3 games against Jonkopings Sodra IF.
Utsiktens BK haven't scored in 1 of their 3 away matches in Superettan this season.
Peter Gwargis is Jonkopings Sodra IF's top scorer with 2 goals. Karl Bohm has scored 5 times for Utsiktens BK.
Jonkopings Sodra IF have conceded a goal in each of their last 8 matches.
Jonkopings Sodra IF have scored at least one goal for 8 consecutive matches.
Jonkopings Sodra IF wins 1st half in 31% of their matches, Utsiktens BK in 51% of their matches.
Jonkopings Sodra IF wins 31% of halftimes, Utsiktens BK wins 51%.
The winner of their last meeting was Jonkopings Sodra IF.
On their last meeting Jonkopings Sodra IF won by 1 goals.
When Jonkopings Sodra IF leads 1-0 at home, they win in 62% of their matches.
When Utsiktens BK leads 0-1 away, they win in 57% of their matches.
When Jonkopings Sodra IF is down 0-1 home, they win 0% of their matches.
When Utsiktens BK is down 1-0 away, they win 0% of their matches.
In Superettan, Utsiktens BK has better performance than Jonkopings Sodra IF.
Utsiktens BK's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Jonkopings Sodra IF's.
Jonkopings Sodra IF have lost just 0 of their last 3 games against Utsiktens BK (in all competitions).
In the last 3 meetings Jonkopings Sodra IF won 3, Utsiktens BK won 0, 0 draws.
Jonkopings Sodra IF scores 3.33 goals in a match against Utsiktens BK and Utsiktens BK scores 1.67 goals against Jonkopings Sodra IF (on average).
Average number of goals in meetings between Jonkopings Sodra IF and Utsiktens BK is 5.
Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between Jonkopings Sodra IF and Utsiktens BK is 2.
Jonkopings Sodra IF scores 1.29 goals when playing at home
Jonkopings Sodra vs Utsiktens BK投注提示
你知道Utsiktens BK 30%的进球是在46-60分钟之间吗?
Jonkopings Sodra IF主场三连败。
Jonkopings Sodra已经连续8场主场比赛没有获胜。
Utsiktens BK最近三场对Jonkopings Sodra IF的比赛都没有赢过。
Utsiktens BK本赛季在Superettan的3场客场比赛中有1场没有进球。
Peter Gwargis是Jonkopings Sodra IF的最佳射手,打进2球。卡尔·博姆为Utsiktens BK打进5球。
Jonkopings Sodra IF上半场获胜率为31%,Utsiktens BK上半场获胜率为51%。
Jonkopings Sodra IF赢31%,Utsiktens BK赢51%。
上次会议的获胜者是Jonkopings Sodra IF。
当Jonkopings Sodra IF主场1-0领先时,他们62%的比赛获胜。
当Utsiktens BK 0-1领先时,他们57%的比赛获胜。
当Jonkopings Sodra IF主场0-1落后时,他们的比赛赢了0%。
当Utsiktens BK客场1-0落后时,他们的比赛赢了0%。
在Superettan, Utsiktens BK的性能优于Jonkopings Sodra IF。
Utsiktens BK最近5场比赛的表现优于Jonkopings Sodra IF。
索德拉如果在过去的三场比赛中对Utsiktens BK只输了一场。
在最近的3场比赛中,琼科比斯·索德拉IF 3胜,乌茨克滕斯0比0平。
Jonkopings Sodra IF在对阵Utsiktens BK的比赛中进了3.33个球,而Utsiktens BK在对阵Jonkopings Sodra IF的比赛中平均进了1.67个球。
jokopings Sodra IF和Utsiktens BK在上半场的平均进球数是2个。