Head to head record between Ulaanbaatar vs Ulaanbaatar city for the last 2 times they've met shows, Ulaanbaatar city won 1 times while 1 fixtures ended in a draw, both teams managed to find the back of the net in 2 of those fixtures, Ulaanbaatar are in good form this season, they are 2nd in the league table, with 6 wins 1 draw and 1 lose, they lost their last matvh to this game, Ulaanbaatar city are also in good form this season, they are currently at 4th position on the table with 4 wins 1 draw and 3 losses, they lost two of their last games, both teams will score in this match today
交头接耳地记录在乌兰巴托vs乌兰巴托城市在过去的2倍,他们见过节目,乌兰巴托城市赢得1 * 1装置以平局结束,两队设法找到这些设备的入网2,乌兰巴托本赛季状态很好,他们是在排行榜第二,以6胜1平,1输了,乌兰巴托市本赛季的状态也很好,他们目前以4胜1平3负的成绩排名第四,他们输掉了最后两场比赛,两支球队都将在今天的比赛中得分