澳威北超 2022-05-08T04:00:00Z
4 完 1
Head to head record between Broadmeadow magic vs Valentine for the last 2 times they've met shows, Broadmeadow magic won 1 times while 1 fixtures ended In a draw, Broadmeadow magic are in excellent form coming to this match today, they are currently at 2nd position of the table with 4 wins and 2 losses, they are unbeaten in their last six games this season, valentine are also in excellent form, they've only played 3 games this season and managed to win 2 and lose 1, they are also unbeaten in their last 1 match,
交头接耳地记录之间Broadmeadow魔法与情人节过去2乘以他们见过节目,Broadmeadow魔术赢得1 * 1装置以平局结束,Broadmeadow魔术的形式来今天这场比赛,他们目前在第二位置的表4胜2负,他们在本赛季的最后六场比赛中保持不败,瓦伦丁的状态也很好,他们本赛季只打了三场比赛,取得了2胜1负的成绩,他们在最后一场比赛中也保持不败。