On 2022-04-21 at 19:30, Varbergs Gif FK plays Hoganas BK at in an interesting encounter in Division 2, Vastra Gotaland.
The betting market for this Football encounter is interesting with a 53% chance of a home win, and a 23% chance of an away win. The predicted chance of a draw is 24%.
Previous results
The head-to-head record for Varbergs Gif FK vs Hoganas BK is worth a look. Varbergs Gif FK have won 2 meetings with Hoganas BK, while Hoganas BK have won 0. There have been 0 draws between these two sides.
2022年04月21日19:30,varberg Gif FK与Hoganas BK在Vastra Gotaland的乙级比赛中进行了一场有趣的交锋。
varberg Gif FK vs Hoganas BK的头对头记录值得一看。varberg Gif FK赢了2次与Hoganas BK,而Hoganas BK赢了0次。这两队以0比0打平。