Performance Analysis Varzim vs Academico Viseu
Varzim did not win the last 8/10 matches, did not win the last 4/5 matches. At home, coach Antonio Barbosa's army did not win the last 9/10 matches, did not win the last 4/5 matches.
Academico Viseu did not win the last 8/10 matches, did not win the last 4/5 matches. Away from coach Ze Gomes' team did not win the last 7/10 matches, did not win the last 3/5 matches.
Analysis of Asian odds Varzim vs Academico Viseu
Varzim won 7/10 recent Asian matches, of which won the last 3/5 matches. At home, coach Antonio Barbosa's army did not win the last 6/10 matches, won the last 3/5 matches.
Academico Viseu won the last 5/10 matches according to the recent Asian rafters, of which the last 3/5 matches did not win. Away from coach Ze Gomes' team won the last 6/10 matches, won the last 5/5 matches.
Analysis of the performance of Varzim vs Academico Viseu
According to the over and under bet, Varzim has fainted in the last 9/10 matches, fainted in the last 4/5 matches. At home, coach Antonio Barbosa's team has fainted in the last 9/10 matches, and lost in the last 5/5 matches.
According to Academico Viseu over and under, over and under in the last 6/10 matches, over in the last 3/5 matches. Away from home, coach Ze Gomes's team has fainted in the last 6/10 matches, lost in the last 4/5 matches.
绩效分析Varzim vs Academico Viseu
Academico Viseu没有赢得最近8/10场比赛,没有赢得最近4/5场比赛。在主教练泽·戈麦斯的带领下,球队在过去的7/10场比赛中没有获胜,在过去的3/5场比赛中也没有获胜。
亚洲人的优势分析Varzim vs Academico Viseu
根据最近的亚洲椽子,Academico Viseu赢得了最近的5/10场比赛,其中最近的3/5场比赛没有赢。戈麦斯的球队赢得了过去6/10场比赛,赢得了过去5/5场比赛。
Varzim对Academico Viseu的表现分析
根据赌注,Varzim在过去的9/10场比赛中晕倒,在过去的4/5场比赛中晕倒。在国内,教练Antonio Barbosa的球队在最近9/10场比赛中晕倒,并在最近5/5场比赛中失利。
根据Academico Viseu的数据,在过去的6/10场比赛中,在过去的3/5场比赛中。在客场,教练泽·戈麦斯的球队在过去的6/10场比赛中晕倒,在过去的4/5场比赛中失利。