Kapfenberg Superfund vs Grazer AK Performance Analysis
Kapfenberg Superfund did not win the last 8/10 matches, did not win the last 3/5 matches. At home, coach Kurt Russ's army did not win the last 8/10 matches, did not win the last 5/5 matches.
Grazer AK did not win the last 6/10 matches, did not win the last 3/5 matches. Away from coach Gernot Plassnegger's team did not win the last 7/10 matches, did not win the last 3/5 matches.
Analysis of Asian handicap Kapfenberg Superfund vs Grazer AK
Kapfenberg Superfund did not win 7/10 recent Asian matches, of which the last 3/5 matches did not win. At home, coach Kurt Russ's army did not win the last 7/10 matches, did not win the last 4/5 matches.
Grazer AK did not win 7/10 matches according to the recent Asian rafters, in which did not win the last 4/5 matches. Away from coach Gernot Plassnegger's team did not win the last 8/10 matches, did not win the last 4/5 matches.
Analysis of Kapfenberg Superfund vs Grazer AK
According to the over and under, Kapfenberg Superfund finished in the last 5/10 matches, over in the last 3/5 matches. At home, coach Kurt Russ's army came back in the last 6/10 matches, in the last 3/5 matches.
According to the over-under, Grazer AK is over in the last 6/10 matches, over in the last 3/5 matches. Away from home, coach Gernot Plassnegger's team finished the last 9/10 matches, finished the last 4/5 matches.
Kapfenberg Superfund vs Grazer AK绩效分析
Kapfenberg Superfund没有赢得过去的8/10场比赛,也没有赢得过去的3/5场比赛。在主场,主教练库尔特·鲁斯的球队没有赢得最近8/10场比赛,也没有赢得最近5/5场比赛。
Grazer AK在过去的6/10场比赛中没有赢,在过去的3/5场比赛中也没有赢。在主教练Gernot Plassnegger的带领下,球队没有赢得最近的7/10场比赛,也没有赢得最近的3/5场比赛。
亚洲障碍Kapfenberg Superfund vs Grazer AK的分析
根据最近的亚洲椽子的数据,Grazer AK没有赢得7/10场比赛,在过去的4/5场比赛中没有赢得。在教练Gernot Plassnegger的带领下,球队没有赢得最近8/10场比赛,也没有赢得最近4/5场比赛。
Kapfenberg超级基金与Grazer AK的对比分析
根据上面和下面的数据,Kapfenberg Superfund在最后5/10场比赛中完成了比赛,在最后3/5场比赛中完成了比赛。在主场,主教练库尔特·罗斯的球队在过去的6/10场比赛中卷土重来,在过去的3/5场比赛中。
根据over-under, Grazer AK在过去的6/10场比赛中已经结束,在过去的3/5场比赛中已经结束。在客场,教练Gernot Plassnegger的球队完成了最后9/10场比赛,完成了最后4/5场比赛。