Genoa had a bad first half of the current season. In cup competitions, the "red-blue" achieved success, but they have not won the domestic championship since September. Initially, it seemed that the appointment of Andriy Shevchenko as head coach would favorably affect the results of the club. However, so far the Ukrainian specialist has noted only an anti-record. In defense, the team almost always has huge problems. Although he looks very weak in attack.
Atalanta scored a great move at the end of autumn, but at the most crucial moments she misfired. First, the representatives of Bergamo lost to Villarreal in European competitions (2:3), and then they suffered a crushing defeat from Roma already in the national championship (1:4). Pierre Gasperini's gang pays little attention to defensive formations, which prevents it from performing consistently over a long distance.
My Prediction ------> Atalanta ( AH -1/-1.5 )
亚特兰大在秋末打出了一个漂亮的招数,但在最关键的时刻,她失手了。首先,贝加莫的代表们在欧洲赛场上输给了比利亚雷亚尔(2:3),然后他们又在全国锦标赛上输给了罗马(1:4)。皮埃尔·加斯佩里尼(Pierre Gasperini)的团队很少注意防守阵型,这妨碍了他们在长距离比赛中持续发挥。
我的预测------>亚特兰大(AH -1/-1.5)