The match of Termalica BB Nieciecza vs Gornik Leczna in Poland Ekstraklasa is started at 2021-11-21
For the last 15 matches, Termalica BB Nieciecza got 3 win, 6 lost and 6 draw with 19 Goals For and 23 Goals Against. The average of Goals For is 1.3 per match and the average of Goals Against is 1.5 per match. The rate of Over Goals is 100%
For the last 15 matches, Gornik Leczna got 2 win, 8 lost and 5 draw with 14 Goals For and 33 Goals Against. The average of Goals For is 0.9 per match and the average of Goals Against is 2.2 per match. The rate of Over Goals is 100%
Termalica BB Nieciecza与Gornik Leczna在波兰Ekstraklasa的比赛将于2021年11月21日开始
在过去的15场比赛中,Termalica BB Nieciecza取得了3胜,6负,6平,19个进球和23个进球。每场比赛的平均goalfor是1.3,而每场比赛的平均goalagainst是1.5。超额目标的比率是100%