Gremio (RS)
As a result of the past 31 matches, Serie A Gremio managed to add 26 points to its account, which allowed it to only take the 19 position in the championship. They know for sure that while their defensive play is far from perfect, on average they concede 1 and only score 0.7 goals. They need to note that 31-45 match minutes are poorly rendered to them. Already conceded a goal in this segment with 5. With these numbers, 7 wins and 16 losses seem logical. Let's see if they can improve their win statistics in this match.
Being among the leaders of Serie A after 32 matches is not a bad achievement, since in general this tournament is very competitive. Bragantino having won 12, having drawn 11 matches and having suffered 5 defeats, take the 4 position in the championship with 49 scored points. They play very active home games, scoring on average 1.2 goals per game. At the same time, they are most dangerous with 76-90 minutes, because they managed to score 11 goals. Let's see if they can confirm their stats in this match.
My Prediction ------> Under 2.25 Goals