The match between Markaz Shabab Al-Am'ari and their rivals from Markaz Tulkarm takes place as part of the competition of West Bank League at the Faisal al-Husseini International Stadium arena.
Summary of previous matches between the team of Markaz Shabab Al-Am'ari and the team of Markaz Tulkarm:
The confrontation of Markaz Tulkarm and Markaz Shabab Al-Am'ari on 12.04.2019 ended with the score of 0:2.
The opposition of Markaz Shabab Al-Am'ari and Markaz Tulkarm on 09.03.2019 finished with the score of 3:1.
The opposition of Markaz Shabab Al-Am'ari and Markaz Tulkarm on 02.11.2018 finished with the score of 1:0.
Markaz Shabab Al-Am'ari队和Markaz Tulkarm队以前的比赛总结:
2019年4月12日,Markaz Tulkarm和Markaz Shabab Al-Am'ari的对抗以0:2结束。
2019年3月9日,反对派Markaz Shabab Al-Am'ari和Markaz Tulkarm以3:1的比分结束比赛。
2018年11月2日,反对派马卡斯·沙巴布·阿尔- am 'ari和马卡斯·图尔卡姆以1:0的比分结束比赛。