BCI W 2024-09-04T20:00:00Z
1 完 1
6 / 6 of last matches Astor (Women) in all competitions, at least one team did not score
6 / 6 of last matches in Bolivia Championship. Women, at least one team has not scored
4 / 7 of last matches Always Ready (Women) in all competitions, at least one team did not score
4 / 7 of last matches in Bolivia Championship. Women, at least one team has not scored
6 / 6 of last matches in all competitions Astor (Women) played with a score of 0:0
6 / 6 of last matches in Bolivia Championship. Women played with a score of 0:0
4 / 7 of last matches in all competitions Always Ready (Women) played with a score of 0:0
4 / 7 of last matches in Bolivia Championship. Women played with a score of 0:0
阿斯特(女足)在所有比赛中,6 / 6的比赛至少有一支球队没有进球
玻利维亚锦标赛上6 / 6的比赛。女子方面,至少有一支球队没有进球
玻利维亚锦标赛上届比赛4 / 7。女子方面,至少有一支球队没有进球
玻利维亚锦标赛上6 / 6的比赛。女子比赛的比分为0:0
玻利维亚锦标赛上届比赛4 / 7。女子比赛的比分为0:0