Aston Villa
Aston Villa demonstrates good attacking football, but the team has real problems with defense. What is the recent performance of the “lions” in Wolverhampton worth – the guys led 2-0 until the 80th minute, but eventually lost 2:3. Yes, like Smith's protégé and show competitive football, but they have already collected a series of three pockets with a total score of 4:8. Still, the club lacks a powerful midfielder capable of dispersing the attack.
West Ham United
But West Ham pleases the audience for the fourth performance in a row. The Hammers beat Everton and Tottenham with the same score 1-0 in the championship, and also defeated Genk (3-0) in the Europa League and unexpectedly beat Man City (1-0 on penalties) in the English League Cup. In addition, Moyes' wards are in the top four of the Premier League, with 17 points to their credit.
My Prediction ------> West Ham United ( Correct Score 1 - 2 )
阿斯顿维拉在进攻上表现得很好,但是球队在防守上有问题。狮子队最近在伍尔弗汉普顿沃斯的表现如何?直到第80分钟他们还以2-0领先,但最终以2- 3输掉比赛。是的,就像史密斯的protégé和显示竞技足球,但他们已经收集了一系列的三个口袋,总比分是4:8。尽管如此,俱乐部仍然缺少一个强大的中场来分散进攻。
我的预测------>西汉姆联队(正确比分1 - 2)